Trial Of 13 Naval Officers Facing Court Martial For Oil Theft Commenced 2021 – Naval HQ

Authorities of the Nigerian Navy on Tuesday gave more details of the General Court Martial holding in Lagos involving 13 of its personnel stating the officers have been undergoing trials for offences bothering on acts of illegality unbecoming of naval personnel committed since 2021.
According the Director of Naval Information, Commodore AO Ayo-Vaughan, “The Court Martial which was duly constituted to try some naval personnel who were alleged to be complicit in oil theft during their tour of duty in the Niger Delta has been in place and not a recent development as being mis-interpreted in certain quarters.
Reiterating that, “The Service frowns seriously at the involvement of her personnel in acts of illegality unbecoming of naval personnel” Commodore Ayo-Vaughan said, “Repeatedly, naval personnel have been warned to steer clear of crude oil theft, oil bunkering and associated crimes under any guise, concealment or circumstance.
“To demonstrate the Nigerian Navy’s zero tolerance for these illegalities and economic crimes, some naval personnel alleged to be involved were charged before a Court Martial around March 2021.”
Source:- Vanguard